Monday, March 23, 2009

Maysons Award at school

My monkey can read!! He won't do it for me, but he'll do it for just about anyone else. He got an award from the Principal at his school last week. It's called the Eagle Scholar. He was so proud! So were Ryan and I! It says, "You know all of the sounds of all the alphabet lettera and you're very good at sounding words that are not on the word wall."

We are very proud of you Mayson, good job on being super smart!!


Heather said...

Good Job Mayson!

Candace Davidsavor said...

That is great. I hope that is how Reynger will be. He refuses to let me teach him things correctly. :) You are doing a great job as his mother.

Kerri said...

Way to go Mayson!!!!